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Thursday, May 9, 2013


Join us this coming Sunday (PENTECOST SUNDAY 2013), for the 28th Anniversary of CHURCH IN THE NOW, which was started on PENTECOST SUNDAY 1985...

This special celebration will take place at the CHURCH IN THE NOW EAST location (13183 Harland Drive, Covington), with one combined service (with CHURCH IN THE NOW MIDTOWN) at 10 AM (ONE SERVICE ONLY)...

There will be great PRAISE AND WORSHIP and SPECIAL MUSIC with SPECIAL GUESTS, free give-aways, free prizes, a special ceremony to honor all of our 2013 GRADUATES, an opportunity for CHURCH MEMBERSHIP, WATER BAPTISM and much more!

In the Book of Ecclesiastes, the third chapter, verses 2 to 8, we see the enumeration of 28 "times" in these 7 verses: There is a time for giving birth and a time for dying, for planting and for uprooting what has been planted, to kill and heal, to destroy and build, to cry and laughter, to mourn and dance, to throw stones away and to gather them, to embrace and to refrain from embracing, to search and lose, to keep and discard, to tear and sew, for keeping silent and to speak, to love and to hate, and finally a time for war and a time for peace.

At CITN we have experienced all of these "times" in one way or another during the last 28 years, and all of it has worked together for our good! Join us this Sunday as we CELEBRATE all of it, thank God for all of it, regret none of it, and set our vision for the next 28!

 God answer you on the day you crash,
The name God-of-Jacob put you out of harm’s reach,
Send reinforcements from Holy Hill,
Dispatch from Zion fresh supplies,
Exclaim over your offerings,
Celebrate your sacrifices,
Give you what your heart desires,
Accomplish your plans.
When you win, we plan to raise the roof
and lead the parade with our banners.
May all your wishes come true!
(Psalms 20:1-5 - The Message)



  1. Lonna Spencer said...

    NOW is the time to celebrate because we are better than ever!
