New sign on I-20 |
Thursday, June 27 - Paulette Washington at CHURCH IN THE NOW MIDTOWN |
I don't think we're through with the 'Faith that Moves Mountains' series, and that seems to be the general consensus of everyone else at CHURCH IN THE NOW EAST, so tomorrow will not be the last day ("In the beginning was willed action"...) I'll be teaching it tomorrow at 9 AM, and then at 11 AM I am very excited to announce that I will be tag-team teaching with Pastor Judah Swilley on 'Moving the Mountains in Our Sub-conscious Mind'...he's got some good stuff on the subject, and we'll be talking about things I've never taught's going to be really powerful!
Sunday, June 30 - Tag-team teaching with Pastor Judah Swilley |
Jean de Sousa said...
ReplyDeleteI do know that!! This is really exciting! Can't wait until tomorrow.....
Will Byrd said...
ReplyDeleteNot only in the charismatic world either .... In the more liturgical world where I am associated ... it's clear that The Awakening crosses all man made "boundaries", and is more about vision than expression. Personally I think that the church that we are seeing emerge bears little resemblance to the church we have always known. God is SO much bigger than our traditions!!
Debye Swilley said...
ReplyDeleteI can't wait!
Sheryl Morris Mitchell said...
Mortimer Snerd said...
ReplyDeleteInternet will be blazing !
Rhonda Wilkes-Kinard said...
ReplyDeleteI will buying that DVD !!
Michelle Bryant Collier said...
YES!!! YES!!!! I am so excited you are continuing....I thought you fact do not stop...of course that is my take on it...looking forward to tomorrow's revelation....tell Dave he better keep an eye on me...LOL...just saying...Pamela Holbrook....:)
ReplyDeleteDeb Muehlstein said...
ReplyDeleteAmazing service the series were on...Faith that moves mountains...Renewing our minds...
Michelle Reyna Parham said...
ReplyDeletetoday was SO awesome!
Lonna Spencer said...
ReplyDeleteYes, indeed.
Roderick T. Alexander said...
ReplyDeleteI'm calling you and Judah Benjamin Swilley the 'Awesome Dynamic Dou'! We loved it! Great message today!
Roderick T. Alexander said...
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm going R&B old school but when I saw you and Judah together delivering the Word I thought of Eddie Lavert of The O'Jays and his son, Gerald Lavert, who he recorded an album with and performed with in a few concerts. They made great music together like you and Judah are making in a spiritual sense. Truly awesome!
Jean de Sousa said...
ReplyDeleteToday was awesome!! Love this "Awakening"..Have a blessed week. Hope you will get to run on July 4th.....
Donald Cofield said...
ReplyDeleteThat was freaking awesome today! I was working in the crawl space in the top of my house this morning (and it was and is about 200 degrees up there) as I was listening to and watching you guys on my phone. Don't you just love the 21st century?! But, during one of my rest breaks I was laying on my stomach and propped up on my elbows as I was soaking up everything you were saying. I started thinking, "Wow, this is some really deep stuff and it has really got my head to spinning." Then I glanced down and noticed that there was an open can of PVC cement sitting right under my nose. But seriously, if I was eloquent enough to explain how your recent teachings have been making me meditate and wonder just how much of the impossible is really possible it would take hours to write it. Really loving it!
Thanks, bud!
ReplyDeletePamela Holbrook said...
ReplyDeleteFor awakening never seen before......
Mortimer Snerd said...
ReplyDeleteBishop & Pastor Judah, Outstanding ! What resonated for me was the impact of the message so often put through Christian and other dogma that in some twisted Universe, people are born into the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and not the Tree of Life. The subconscious is fruit of the Tree of Life, which drives 90 -95 % of our thought, intent, experience, etc. The mainstream message tends to promote the idea that people suck, are screwed up, and need a spiritual lobotomy. That is not The Fruit Tree of Life. The good news is that The fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil disintegrates with little exposure to the Elements. People are excellent, automatically born into greatness, peace, love, and blessing. The Adamite paradigm is smoke and mirrors, and not taken seriously by history. There is no actual fallen man, or penalty for missing the bull's-eye in our well spent species' youth. Especially at the individual level. The sub conscious, or Tree of Life conscious knows we have always been Born Free of the the point deductions of missing the bull's-eye, missing the mark, AKA sin. We ALL have been born above/immune to the power of sin (the law), with no lasting effects of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, history has minimized that tree to a footnote.